New to Orienteering?
Newcomers are welcome to attend the orienteering events listed on the Events Page. All events have a range of orienteering courses, including some suitable for newcomers or less experienced orienteers.
Newcomers are welcome to attend the orienteering events listed on the Events Page. All events have a range of orienteering courses, including some suitable for newcomers or less experienced orienteers.
February 2 @ 9:30 am - 10:30 am
February 16 @ 9:30 am - 10:30 am
March 2 @ 9:30 am - 10:30 am
Our members are all ages and consist of individuals, couples and families who enjoy physical activity either in the town for Street Park orienteering or the Sunday cross country events in the bush.
Lincoln Orienteers is one of 3 country SA clubs. We organize regular events in the Port Lincoln area and Lower Eyre Peninsula, from February to September. The other club on Eyre Peninsula is Saltbush, based in Whyalla. We have at least two events together each season. Upcoming events can be viewed at:
Our members are all ages and consist of individuals, couples and families who enjoy physical activity either in the town for Street Park orienteering or the Sunday cross country events in the bush.
Socialising after finishing an event is also an important part of the club. Gathering together around the BBQ or camp fire after a course at cross country events is a regular feature with our club.